Raspberry Pi + Processing + CT UNO (Part 1)

Raspberry Pi + Processing + CT UNO (Part 1)

Credit to Stewart C. Russell for the tutorial PROCESSING 2.1 + ORACLE JAVA + RASPBERRY PI + SERIAL + ARDUINO = :).


About this tutorial:
– Re-writing the original tutorial from Stewart C. Russell with some modification.
– Raspberry Pi + Processing 2.2.1 + Oracle Java 1.7.0 + jSSC 2.8.0 + CT UNO (Arduino Uno compatible).




1. Write the latest Raspbian image 2014-09-09 (link) into 8GB SD card using Win32DiskImager.
2. Slot into RPi (short form for Raspberry Pi), connect all the cables (HDMI, LAN, Mouse + Keyboard, CT UNO) and power it up.
3. It is recommended to Expand Filesystem. Press Enter to select.


Then reboot your RPi. Press escape and write the following command.

sudo reboot


4. Default keyboard layout is UK, so you need to change to US layout.


Then select the options below:
– Change Keyboard Layout
– Generic 105-key (Intl) PC – No changes
– Other
– English (US)
– English (US)
– The default for the keyboard layout
– No compose key
– No
Again, you need to reboot.

sudo reboot


5. Ok to proceed to your desktop, press escape, then write



6. Open LXTerminal, you need to write all the command here. So, keep playing with this. :)


First, it is better to update and upgrade your RPi.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade


7. Install Java 7

sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-jdk


8. Then you need to check your RPi java version

java -version


My LXTerminal response as follow,

java version “1.8.0”
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-b132)
Java HotSpot(TM) client VM (build 25.0.b70, mixed mode)


Opps, I want java version 7 as default.
9. Write following command to choose java version.

sudo update-alternatives –config java


Then select “…/jdk-7-oracle…” as default.
Check again java version

java version “1.7.0_40”
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_40-b43)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 24.0-b56, mixed mode)



10. You need to download the Processing IDE from web browser, and I like to use Chromium as web browser.

sudo apt-get install chromium


11. Open Chromium, go to processing website to download (https://www.processing.org/download/). Choose Linux 32-bit.
*It will takes some time since the size is ~100MB. However it is depend on your internet speed.
**By default the download file will be in the Downloads folder, I recommend to install processing at home directory, so the command will be much easier. To do that just simply cut file from /home/pi/Downloads and paste to /home/pi.


12. Extract processing download file

tar xvzf processing-2.2.1-linux32.tgz


13. Now you have to remove the included x86 Java runtime, and replace it with the RPi’s armhf.

rm -rf ~/processing-2.2.1/java
ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-7-oracle-armhf ~/processing-2.2.1/java

You should now have a Processing installation that will run, but there’s some more we need to get serial and Arduino support.



14. Download the latest Java Simple Serial Connector at https://github.com/scream3r/java-simple-serial-connector/releases. After download is finished, cut and paste to home directory, and extract it.

unzip jSSC-2.8.0-Release.zip


15. Overwrite the jssc.jar that ships with Processing with the one you just download.

mv jSSC-2.8.0-Release/jssc.jar ~/processing-2.2.1/modes/java/libraries/serial/library/


16. Now, time to test the serial for Processing. Before that make sure CT UNO is connected to RPi. Then, open Processing.



Write this code and run it

import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort; // The serial port
println(Serial.list()); // List all the available serial ports


It will takes some time (quite slow). As a result, you should get a single line of output.



Done! Your Processing work perfectly! Ok, close your Processing, get some rest, we will continue in Part 2. :)


Why not using the latest Java version 1.8.0?
I have try this version and got error during running the Processing. So currently Java 1.7.0 is compatible.